About Us
We are Eco Agro Science, an Egyptian-British company specialized and a leader in the field of environmental pesticides and fertilizers.

Who are we?
We are Eco-Agroscience, an Egyptian-English company, specialized and pioneering in the field of environmental pesticides and fertilizers. This is due to the need of the local and global markets to provide a natural alternative for managing crops and controlling pests without harming the environment or human health, providing a clean organic crop and imposing great competition opportunities for this crop in the global markets.
What sets us apart ?
What distinguishes us is that we have high-quality products produced by European and Asian companies that have huge experiences and capabilities in the manufacture of pesticides and organic fertilizers.
All products have organic accreditation certificates from relevant international organizations, and they are committed to documenting and monitoring organic products.
Ensuring to increase awareness of the use of natural pesticides because of their economic and environmental impact.
We guarantee the quality of the products of the international manufacturers.
Providing the necessary technical support and technical and administrative inquiries through its available communication windows.

Our Vision
Spreading awareness within the agricultural community of the need to use natural alternatives in agriculture to contribute to building a clean environment free of pesticide residues in order to improve the quality of global food.
Our Mission
Work to provide natural alternatives for agricultural projects. Support investors in the agricultural sector by providing technical expertise that helps them manage crops organically and reach a clean organic agricultural product that comes at the forefront of competition in the local and global markets.

“Our Message”
Seeking to expand the clean agricultural area. Using natural alternatives of fertilizers and pesticides instead of traditional chemical supplies. Sustainability of the soil of the cultivated areas that were damaged as a result of the use of pesticides that have a residual effect. g
Spreading awareness of the importance of prioritizing the health of individuals and the sustainability of the environment over caring for economic tables without caring about the health of individuals to whom the agricultural crop is provided.
Making the clean agricultural product at the forefront of the global markets and raising its competition opportunities.